Herb Cesarski

Our Government



Pennon of His Imperial Majesty Marcus Augustus Lebenciusz the Great. Password means "Men love their country, not because it is great, but because it is their own"



His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Marcus Lebenciusz Augustus the Great

Emperor of the Empire of Leblandia
Head of State, Head of Government (Rada), Foreign Minister, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Public Information (Cenzor)

e-mail: Cesarz Marcus Lebenciusz

Official WebPage (Polish)

Consul Marta Zmyslowska

Foreign Ministry


Proconsul, Gen. Krzysztof Druc

General of Leblandia's Army

Praetor Marcin Paluszczak


    The other authorities of the Empire of Leblandia (PL - Pozostałe Władze Cesarstwa Leblandii)

    The List of Ministries (PL - Wykaz Ministerstw Cesarstwa Leblandii)








Real-World Data:

Marcus Lebenciusz

Graduation: University Education, Lawyer

Country: POLAND

Marta Zmysłowska

Graduation: University Education, Programmer, Graphic Designer

Country: POLAND

Krzysztof Druć

Graduation: University Education, Lawyer

Country: POLAND

Marcin Paluszczak

Graduation: University Education, Lawyer

Country: POLAND




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