

History of Empire of Leblandia


History of the Pre-Internet Era


It is really difficult to tell, how much truth lies in the legend of the beginning of Leblandia.

About the year 370 the islands were inhabited by Polynesians, who had already settled in a the large part of the Pacific Ocean. From the terrains of today’s Leblandia they reached, outlying by over 500 km, Easter Islands in 400.

The statues recently found on one of the islands situated on the north, are identical to those from Easter Islands. That indicates that they were built by Polynesians who took that ability with them during their voyage east.


Birth of the Republic

Throughout Middle Ages Leblandia had a large territory, a strong army and wide trade and diplomatic contacts. Then the Republic was brought to life.

In the Republic’s political system, the control was held by two consuls chosen each year who governed the country and had the command over the army. They were advised by The Council of the Elders. During crisis a dictator was elected - as the only ruler - but for not more than a period of six months.


Fall of the Republic

Growing rift between the rich and the poor eventually caused a social conflict and the final breakdown of the political system in the country. One of the tribunes, Przemkus Falkchus, created a project of agrar reforms. His plan was rejected and Przemkus was murdered during violent civil battles.


Regain of Marcus Lebenciusz the Great

The new regime was welcomed by the upper classes because with it came the time of peace, stabilization and a chance for economical growth. In provinces, that suffered massive destructions during the civil war, Lebenciusz was treated like a saviour and a bearer of hope. A cult of the emperor was established throughout the land. Thanks to his bravery in battles and generosity for his subjects Marcus Lebenciusz gained a nickname “the Great”.

For an enthusiastic support from the people of Leblandia, Marcus answered with giving out food, money, by holding games and spectacular shows. He insured himself the loyalty of the army by sending veterans to the colonies and by making his close friend, Krzysztof Druć, a superior commander. Those activities caused the withdrawn of the army from politics and guarantied its loyality.

The country’s name was officially changed from the Republic of Leblandia to the Empire of Leblandia. Despite that, the Leblandia’s web address remained as it was: leblandia.republika.pl

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Copyright (c) 2001-2014  by Marcus Lebenciusz

Translation: Wojciech D. vel Euro (T-Team) 

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