Miesięcznik |
34 NUMER! |
Nr 2/2004 (34) | luty 2004 |
Cesarstwo Leblandii |
LebenCity | Cena: 0 Lbn (Leben) |
Działy tematyczne: |
Niniejszym prezentujemy trzydziesty czwarty numer oficjalnego organu prasowego Cesarstwa Leblandii, jakim jest Kurier Cesarski. |
Cesarstwo Leblandii na świecie! ---> czytaj
2. Three Letter Identifier: LBL
3. Official Name: Cesarstwo Leblandii
4. Capitol City: LebenCity
5. Original Name: Cesarstwo Leblandii
6. Name in English: The Empire of Leblandia
7. Nationality of Citizens: Leblandczyk, Leblandka (Polish)
8. Official Calendar: Gregorian
9. Official Language: Polish
10. National Day: March 26 (Sovereignty Day)
11. Motto:
12. National Anthem:
13. Origin of Name: Latinum
14. Measurement System: European
B. Social Data
1. Population:
844 Citizens (2004 Jan. 18)
Full URL: http://leblandia.republika.pl or
Email address: kontakt: Cesarz Marcus Lebenciusz
Head(s) of State: Emperor Marcus Lebenciusz the Great
Purpose & goal: statehood; landed sovereignty. To achieve full
independence and recognition in the world community.
Type of government: Absolute monarchy, with bicameral advisory council (Original:
Rada & Senat).
>>> More...
(English Version)
Our Friends & Allies:
http://leblandia.republika.pl/friends_eng.htm (English
Leblandia is a member of: SPUM, CoM, LoSS, Fifth World, Virtual Worlds
WebRing, Micronational & Secessionist States Webring, OPPW and Leblandian
Empire of Leblandia would like
to have better relations with other countries.
The main language in Leblandia
is Polish language (so the majority of webpages are in Polish), but we have, of
course, English version of our main pages.
Our webpage was founded on 26 march 2001. At the beginning we had only 2 pages.
If you want to see them, please visit our Museum (in English: http://leblandia.republika.pl/muzeum_eng.htm (English
Nowadays we have about 700 html files and more then 850 citizens. We are
probably the biggest Polish micronation.
Leblandia is an Empire. My name is Marcus Lebenciusz the Great and I am the
Emperor of Leblandia. In real world I'm a lawyer. I found the Empire of
Leblandia with four friends (3 lawyers and a computer programmer), because we
want to build a virtual country with an advanced law system.
The culture is very important for us.
Our Ministry of Culture website: http://leblandia.republika.pl/mkiszt.htm
We want our people to write
poems, articles, listen to the music, discover the beauty of paintings... You
can read Leblandian Poetry on the page of our Patronage of Literature:
About 1 year ago we have opened an Internet Gallery (please visit:
http://leblandia.republika.pl/palaccesarski/galeria_eng.htm (English
Now, every member of the Internet community can watch the paintings of famous
We have our small Leblandian
Theatre (http://leblandia.republika.pl/prowincje/gargia/teatr.htm)
and our Philharmonic:
(! this is one link !)
in which you can listen to the classical music.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards
Marcus Lebenciusz
Emperor of Leblandia
Information about our
friends and diplomatic policy: http://leblandia.republika.pl/friends_eng.htm (English
Redaktor Naczelny wydania: Senator Anike
Wszelkie dane zastrzeżone. Publikacja tylko za zgodą "Kuriera Cesarskiego"!
Wydawca: Narodowa Agencja Prasowa Cesarstwa Leblandii
Lebencity, LUTY 2004
(zalecana rozdzielczość: 800x600)
All rights reserved.