The Museum of the Empire of Leblandia

The Empire of Leblandia is a member of Internet community since 26 march 2001.  At the beginning we had only 2 webpages. Here you can see them...

 Attention: links of these webpages are broken!

Pierwsza - nieoficjalna - wersja strony Cesarstwa Leblandii - 26.03.2001.

Druga wersja strony Cesarstwa Leblandii - Oficjalna!



The webpage of the Leblandian Treaty:  19 June 2002,  Please visit A NEW WEBPAGE OF LEBLANDIAN TREATY!

Pierwsza wersja strony Paktu Leblandzkiego - Oficjalna!


Attention: links of these webpages are broken - please do not click! 


The webpage of the Empire of Leblandia:  29 Sept. 2004

Empire of Leblandia in SearchEngines (Google, Kartoo, Onet ect.)

PostCards from His Imperial Majesty Marcus Lebenciusz the Great from Leblandia to Citizens (polish,, jpg, 1024x768)

Christmas 2003     Easter 2004     Christmas 2004

Easter 2005     Christmas 2005     Easter 2006     Christmas 2006

Easter 2007     Christmas 2007     Easter 2008     Christmas 2008   

Easter 2009      Christmas 2009     Easter 2010     Christmas 2010   

Easter 2011     Christmas 2011     Easter 2012     Christmas 2012

Easter 2013     Christmas 2013    Easter 2014     Christmas 2014

Easter 2015     Christmas 2015     Easter 2016     Christmas 2016


Copyright (c) Empire of Leblandia